Author: Emmy Mander

  • GIMS release 2.7

    GIMS release 2.7

    Main features Created a new user interface for the Data registration module. This feature makes it possible for users to register data sets with advanced metadata. Other improvements Software upgrades Release date 2023-12-14

  • T-Kartor continues to support the Norwegian Airforce with aeronautical charts

    T-Kartor continues to support the Norwegian Airforce with aeronautical charts

    Cmdr Logistic Command  BG Anders Jernberg together with CEO T⁠-⁠Kartor Norway AS, Tore Arnstein Brenden T⁠-⁠Kartor is proud to be trusted once again in delivering aeronautical charts to the Norwegian Air Force. Having won the new contract, and building on a successful cooperation since 1999, we are committed to continuing the delivery of world-class products…

  • Meet us at the Day for Safe Communications on November 14th! 

    Meet us at the Day for Safe Communications on November 14th! 

    On the Day for Safe Communications, you will find T⁠-⁠Kartor, Advenica, and MW-Group together in a joint stand. We would like to meet you and discuss how we can contribute to make society safe and actionable.  In a world where crises are commonplace, we all need to be more agile and able to act on…

  • T-Kartor launches a strategic partnership with MW Group and Advenica

    T-Kartor launches a strategic partnership with MW Group and Advenica

    When Accurate Information Plays a Crucial Role. Three leading Nordic SMEs in the technology sector, MW Group, T⁠-⁠Kartor, and Advenica, announce today that they have entered a strategic partnership in the field of geographic information management. The aim is to deliver a system that optimizes the availability, reliability, and user-friendliness of an organization’s most critical…
