Enhanced functionality in COP

T⁠-⁠Kartor further develops COP’s management system to cover the demands from the rescue services.

T⁠-⁠Kartor currently has its staff & management system COP (Common Operational Picture) to give the rescue service a common picture of the situation. COP is used as an operational support in events where the situation is shared between the command centre and the scene of the accident.

In 2022, we will supplement the system with administrative functions, which means that the COP will support all processes so that the rescue service can fulfil its commitments.

The enhanced COP system will include:

Smart easy handling of event report to MSB

Schedule / staffing and planning

Packaging with external suppliers via API that gives the rescue service the opportunity to choose the supplier that suits them best.

Exercise of authority

Handling of supervision (automatic alarm), permits, building permits, opinions, etc.

Residual value management

With integration to the Fire Protection Association’s system

The business system will be able to be linked to financial systems for debit data.

The entire COP system will be developed together with the rescue service to create a modern intuitive interface and quality assure all processes.
