Austin Robertson

Project Manager/Production Lead

December 2022

Austin Robertson has been a Geospatial Analyst for T-Kartor since July 2020. He got his start in the geospatial industry after gaining interest while taking GIS courses at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, where he studied Geology. The more he learned about the Geospatial field, the more interested he became—he is still fascinated by its vastness and how there is always more to learn. 

Before coming here, Austin had worked at a satellite office that subcontracted for T-Kartor. After a former coworker encouraged Austin to apply, he began his career with us.

The transition from Austin's previous role to his role at T-Kartor was smooth, as he had already worked on some of our projects. Thanks to T-Kartor's training, Austin could quickly adapt his knowledge and skills to our work system.

Austin and several other analysts started simultaneously and completed training in the company's downtown office in the Globe Building, after which they began to work remotely.

Austin enjoys working from home for the flexibility it gives him. He appreciates the social culture T-Kartor has fostered for their remote workers by having friendly and welcoming team members, informal chats on Microsoft Teams, and the company's effort to host events to get their people together. 

Austin spends time in his role working on projects involving satellite imagery. He is eager to see how this area will get more detailed as higher resolution for satellite imagery becomes the norm and technology continuously improves.

Overall, he sees the geospatial field growing, especially in St. Louis, with the developments around the NGA-West campus and the Downtown North District.

Austin assures anyone interested in working with T-Kartor that they should reach out; the team is there to listen and make it a great place to work.

Outside of work, Austin enjoys playing golf (working remotely means he can save time making it to the golf course without a regular commute).

Austin spends time with 3-D printing and has begun getting involved with astrophotography.

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