Quinn Bailey

Project Manager/Production Lead

June 2023

Quinn Bailey has been with the T-Kartor team since 2022. He was first introduced to the company in 2018 when he obtained an internship while in school; this experience influenced him to apply for a full-time position four years later.

Quinn studied at the University of North Florida and worked in customer service roles before entering the geospatial field. His interest took off after taking courses and seeing his father's work in the industry. Quinn is a lifelong outdoors enthusiast who likes going off the trails on hikes and thinking spatially to envision his route from above.

Since Quinn had already completed an internship, his transition to the Geospatial Analyst I Role was relatively seamless. While his educational background prepared him to use geospatial programs, his class projects focused on agriculture and conservation, which differed from T-Kartor’s scope of work. Nonetheless, he has found the team's overwhelmingly positive culture integral to his success – everyone wants to help, and the default is being friendly.

Since starting this role, Quinn has learned a lot about hydrography, infrastructure, and city building. He has also learned Microsoft Teams inside and out (T-Kartor’s main method of communication).

If you're interested in joining T-Kartor, Quinn advises you to prepare to learn and apply your knowledge to each project. He also says to match the friendly energy of the team and not be afraid to ask questions (and if you know any Swedish, brush up on it)!

Quinn anticipates that the entire geospatial field will continue to evolve rapidly. He imagines that in the future, we'll be able to manipulate high-level maps showing the movement of people and capital in real-time detail.

He also anticipates the integration of AI into geospatial programs.

When he's not at work, you'll find Quinn enjoying nature, reading, or continuing his education with classes at his local college. He especially loves to go on walks with his daughter out in nature, discovering the world around them.

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